Project China 2006

The purpose of this site it to keep our supporters updated on our project in China. Our work is among the Hmong people of southern China. We are helping villages around the Wenshan area of the Yunnan Provence with water sanitation and procurment.

Friday, June 30, 2006

June 27, 2006

My dates are off by one day. Oops!

Today, Tuesday, June 27, the entire team went to another village outside Wenshan to have the trainees of the Hygiene Team present their lessons to the village members. We traveled about 40 minutes outside of Wenshan to a small village in the mountains. The Trainees presented four lessons to the members of that village. It was so great to see the local Hmong people training other Hmong people. The villagers seemed to catch on pretty quickly. This was a time for the trainees to show their stuff; and show it they did. They had a fun time teaching their Hmong neighbors several strategies for blocking disease from entering their water supply.

While waiting for lunch (provided by the local village leaders), we walked around the village and into the forested area. This village's water is visibly clean, but they will still benefit from the Hygiene instruction provided by the team. This was our last official task in the Wenshan area. We decided to go ahead and head back to Kunming a half-day early.

We spent seven hours on the bus returning to Kunming. On the way several of us played some great trivia and cunundrum games on the bus. We arrived fairly late and headed to the local KFC. We were starving!!!


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